The Hamtaro Wiki

The Ham-Ham Clubhouse is the second episode of the series


On Laura’s first day of school, Hamtaro can't help Laura choose the perfect outfit, but he decides to help by keeping an eye on her at school. He soon gets sidetracked though when he runs into his new friends Oxnard and Boss, who introduce him to more hamster pals.

Suddenly a huge rainstorm sends them under a tree to stay dry. There they encounter a ferocious cat who battles them for territory. Hamtaro saves the day by diverting the cat after a close call with the youngest hamster, Penelope. After that, Boss takes them to his hideout and Howdy gets everyone to clean up Boss’s place. Hamtaro has a great idea: the hideout can become the Ham-Ham Clubhouse!

That night Laura tells Hamtaro about her day, and he learns that Laura’s new friends have pet hamsters of their own. He’ll see them all soon at the new Ham-Ham Clubhouse!

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